This formula eliminates the energetic field within which Cancer Medical Tx side effect eliminator occurs and returns the body to normal functioning. Illness and physical problems arise from the energies…
Search Results for: cancer side effect
…is just a placebo effect, or just something in people’s heads. Animals are not subject to the placebo effect. Read the experimental study demonstrating the effectiveness of AFT in controlling…
[dt_fancy_title title=”Under image, dark background” title_align=”center” title_size=”h6″ title_color=”custom” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”enabled” separator_color=”accent” custom_title_color=”#ffffff” separator_style=”disabled”] [dt_portfolio type=”grid” padding=”5″ column_width=”250″ columns=”3″ proportion=”4:3″ same_width=”false” descriptions=”under_image” bg_under_projects=”with_paddings” content_aligment=”left” hover_animation=”fade” hover_bg_color=”dark” hover_content_visibility=”on_hover” loading_effect=”fade_in” show_title=”true” show_excerpt=”true” show_categories=”true”…
[dt_fancy_title title=”Under image, dark background” title_align=”center” title_size=”h6″ title_color=”custom” separator_style=”disabled” el_width=”100″ title_bg=”enabled” separator_color=”accent” custom_title_color=”#ffffff”] [dt_albums type=”grid” padding=”5″ column_width=”300″ columns=”3″ same_width=”true” descriptions=”under_image” bg_under_albums=”with_paddings” content_aligment=”left” hover_animation=”fade” hover_bg_color=”accent” hover_content_visibility=”on_hover” loading_effect=”fade_in” show_title=”true” show_excerpt=”true” show_miniaures=”true” show_categories=”true”…
This formula eliminates the energetic field within which Cancer – All forms except Leukemia occurs and returns the body to normal functioning. Illness and physical problems arise from the energies…
Although we make no claims to cure cancer, testimonials indicate a greatly improved quality of life, and the reduction or elimination of the side effects typically accompanying both chemotherapy and…
…laboratory investigating the effect of Attractor Field Techniques (AFT) meridian-based energy treatments on mice using the AFT frequency technology. These studies were carried out in the college’s APA-approved psychology program…
Correctly tapping this formula eliminates the energetic field within which cancer-All except leukemia arises and the energy field of cancer-All except leukemia itself….
Correctly tapping this formula eliminates the energetic field within which cancer-increase T-cell aggression arises and the energy field of cancer-increase T-cell aggression itself….
Correctly tapping this formula eliminates the energetic field within which Cancer Medical treatment side effects arises and the energy field of Cancer Medical treatment side effects itself….