Welcome to The Tree of Life Foundation

The Tree of Life Foundation - Sub shining through a treeThis site provides unique holistic healthcare treatments for a host of the problems that plague man. There is nothing like it anywhere else in the world. We do nothing with or to the body; we work with the energies that run your body. Unlike medical or other physical treatments, it is not possible to harm yourself or another using Attractor Field Techniques (AFT).

/If you still doubt what we say, read other user testimonials and/or try our free treatments. We are sure you will be back.


(This is  just a random selection of 20 Treatments)

Individual Tapping Formulae

reflex sympathetic dystrophy


MP3 Audio Treatments

Wilson’s disease


Individual Tapping Formulae

eye allergies


MP3 Audio Treatments

Dermatitis Herpetaformus


Individual Tapping Formulae

cancer-All except leukemia


MP3 Audio Treatments

Learning Disabilities


Individual Tapping Formulae

TMJ Pain and capsule damager


Individual Tapping Formulae

toxic reactions-physical


Individual Tapping Formulae



MP3 Audio Treatments

Shock_Low Blood Pressure


Individual Tapping Formulae

Reumatoid arthritis pain


MP3 Audio Treatments

Peyronie’s Disease


Individual Tapping Formulae

throat surgical pain


Individual Tapping Formulae

e-coli food poisioning


Individual Tapping Formulae

fungal and yeast infections


Individual Tapping Formulae

Female hair thinning
